Thursday, September 10, 2015

Finding my OM with RA

*Warning this blog contains EXPLICIT language, run on sentences and other grammar errors! *

Welcome to my blog Finding my OM with RA!

My life has been a whirlwind since being diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) 5 months ago. With trying to adjust to the medicine that I am on Methotrexate (a chemo type of drug with the same side nasty effects), Enbrel and prednisone.  And let me tell you it hasn’t been a happy picnic! And not to mention all the lifestyle changes that I’ve had to confront!

 For those of you that aren’t familiar with RA it’s an autoimmune disease that doesn’t have a cure!  It causes a whole gamut of issues! So basically my body is constantly attacking itself…….  Treatment which will be lifelong (yep, I said LIFELONG) can “maybe” put the disease in remission but there isn’t any guarantee.  And as we know there really aren’t any true guarantees with life.  April 14, 2015 sitting in the doctor’s office, I felt like I was handed a life sentence. A bit dramatic I know!  But the Dr. basically said in a nutshell, that my RA was very progressive and if I didn’t start treatment right away that I would be crippled and in a wheelchair by the age of 40!  Ummm, hello doctor lady?!?!?!? In 14 days of me sitting in that dreaded room, I would be turning 39.  Well, let’s get this shit on the road and tell me where we go from here I said!

So here I am today starting a blog to share with everyone my journey of sadness, tears, joy, laughs, and wtf moments while trying to find my om with ra!

Peace, Love and Light to all!

Side note ~~~ I decided to wait and release my first blog post on my mom's birthday, She would have been 68 today.  She's my inspiration for when life gives you lemons you make yourself some damn good limoncello!