Friday, September 11, 2015

I HATE FRIDAYS...............

What made me head to the Dr. in April you ask…..  Well back in December I tore some ligaments in my knee from running races and training for the Marine Corps half-marathon and all. I ended up over training and not letting my body rest. I would lace up my running shoes pretend that I was Forest Gump and just go. I was trying to rid my mind of all of the overthinking that I do and whatnot that was causing me to be a little stuck in life. But they all just kept chasing me down like a boogieman on the super scary backwoods country roads that I was running on!  

I kept racing and training on said bum knee… yes, yes, dumb I know. Maybe it was like I was punishing myself because I couldn’t do the one thing that I loved most ~ YOGA.  I wasn’t able to safely get into my yoga poses and find my OM! I was still able to teach but sometimes it's not the same as practicing yourself. 

I finally was able to get a CT scan done and low and behold along with the torn ligaments was the dreaded RA in my joints. Along with it being in my knees the RA had also attacked my neck, feet and hands. 
Now on to the reason why I HATE FRIDAYS……………………………………………………

I never thought that I would ever say the words I HATE FRIDAYS!  Because really, who in their right mind would ever utter those words?!?!?!?  I mean Fridays are paydays, party nights that lead to a few days off to spend time with family, friends and enjoy all sorts of things!  

Why you ask that I have such disdain for them……..………… Well, because my Fridays have become the day that I take my oh not so great medicine. I take the methotrexate and Enbrel shot in the morning. No more than 30 minutes later the nausea sets in lasting me a good 2-3 days. I spike fevers off and on. I have severe exhaustion. Sunday nights normally start the migraines which hang on till Tue-Wed. Thursday I finally feel semi ok ONLY to repeat the same shit all over again!!


Still finding my om with RA…………..

Happy Friday ya’ll!  ;) 

Peace, Love and Light to all!

 P.S. Please also take a moment to remember all those who lost their lives on this day.

*Warning this blog contains EXPLICIT language, run on sentences and other grammar errors! *